Our Active Role in Interest Groups: Holger Seehusen Joins the SLV Board

Frankfurt, 10th October 2023. M&M Militzer & Münch GmbH and M&M air sea cargo GmbH continue to pursue their proven strategy of actively participating in interest groups to promote the perception of corporate interests. The brand, Militzer & Münch, remains a well-known entity in the market even after 143 years.

Recently, the German subsidiary of M&M received significant recognition for its efforts. Holger Seehusen, Managing Director of M&M Deutschland, was appointed to the board of the Hessen/Rheinland-Pfalz Freight and Logistics Association (SLV) during their recent elections. This association represents 400 companies with a total of approximately 40,000 employees.

Daniel Hensel of Hensel Logistik assumed the role of Chairman of the Board, and the SLV board was further strengthened by competent members, including Christian Eichmeier of Contargo in Frankfurt, Michael Peters of Intertrans in Bobenheim-Roxheim, and Alexander Steinberg of Edgar Graß Spedition in Beselich.

“For us, it’s not just about raising awareness of our brand, but also about having our interests represented by the SLV in the market and in politics,” says Holger Seehusen.